DEM file request

  • The TTQV5 database has one .gmg DEM file. I have access to .dem files that should show more 3D detail.

    Can you modify TTQV5 to use .dem files? The file is to large to attach but I could e-mail one to you.

  • Hi Dale,

    please be more precise, what dem file, what size, what resolution, what area, who does provide it?

    Gruß Jockel (QV-Admin)
    Angefragte Daten für Supportfälle bitte schicken an info/at/ unter Bezugnahme (link) auf diesen thread, Danke!

  • Hi Jockel,…er-elevation-models-dem-2

    10meter_dem - 10 meter resolution 7.5 minutes 24k blocks

    AGRC has been populating its FTP site with DEMs for the State of Utah. There is currently a statewide coverage of 10, 30, and 90 meter dems. They are in a self extracting format (.exe).

    In order to make the .dem file useable it needs to be converted into a Raster/Grid. In the ArcMap 9.x toolbox use the Conversion Tool - DEM to Raster. With ArcInfo workstation use the DEMLATTICE command. Make sure your folder names or directory structure does not contain spaces.

    When downloading the DEMs from this site make sure they have not been renamed to a .txt extension ie. o11340.exe.txt. If they have the .txt extension simply rename to only have the .exe extension ie. o11340.exe.

    I hope the above web site and information helps.

    Thank you, Jockel
