
  • Je ne trouve pas le moyen de transformer la carte d'un pays en carte de survol. Dans l'aide "l'appendice D" est incompréhensible, il indique des informations à entrer dans un fichier mais il ne dit pas quel fichier et à quel endroit.
    Si quelqu'un l'a déjà fait merci de m'aider.
    jean pierre

  • Hi,
    - save your rastermap in *.bmp format, whatever name.
    - size in pixel x pixel should be below screen resolution
    - color depth should be 256col, not higher
    - rename the extension of the file to *.bm
    - put it in the \TTQV3\ folder
    - create am ASCII file holding the calibration information,
    name of that *.bm file, should look like "ov_<usewhatyouwant>.def

    the contents( explanation after ......):
    <usermapdef> ........must be there exactly like this
    Central Europe#Mitteleuropa#Europe in english#name in german#name in french raster overview file
    10.5............decimal degree northern border of map , here 10°N
    -10.5.............decimal degree southern border of map, here 10.5°S
    -5..........decimal degree western border of map, here 5°W
    7........decimal degree southern border of map, here 7°E

    - copy this ASCII file also into the \ttqv3\ folder.
    - restart TTQV

    Tip: the map in use must be of equidistant cylindrical projection (plate
    carree), respectively a projection that has lats/lons as straight lines,
    equaly spaced, crossing each other in a right angle, map rotated grid

    Maybe have a look at an existing *.def file, this will help too.

    Gruß Jockel (QV-Admin)
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