Nord de Guerre

  • Does anyone have a clue how i can make TTQV to understand "Nord de Guerre" "Ancienne Triangulation Francaise (ATF)"?

    Sorry wrong forum section => moved it!

  • Zitat von "jockel"

    What are thr parameters of this grid ?

    Latitude of Origin = 49° 30' 00"
    Central Meridian = 7° 44' 13.95" East of Greenwich
    Scale Factor at Origin (mo) = 0.999509082
    False Easting was 500 km
    False Northing was 300 km
    Ellipsoid: Plessis

    But when i enter these paramaters i exepted to see.


  • Hi Mike,

    Zitat von "MikeG"

    So, do we habe a working parameter set for Nord de Guerre?

    It is not if "we" have them, but rather, if some responsible authorities
    determined and published the respective parameters (df, dx, dy, dz) in
    comparsion to WGS 84. Only if they exist, we can create a parameter set.
    I have not seen these parameters until now !

    It looks like the owner of this document has calculated them, but the
    parameters are not included !

    Gruß Jockel (QV-Admin)
    Angefragte Daten für Supportfälle bitte schicken an info/at/ unter Bezugnahme (link) auf diesen thread, Danke!

  • Sure, Jockel - the "we" was meant more towards the whole community rathan you/the TTQV team.

    Will this help

    # Nord de Guerre

    I can't figure out what a, b and pm are.


  • Mike,

    no, this is the same as above, the parameters for the projection!
    The conversion parameters "ATF" -->> "WGS84" are missing.

    Gruß Jockel (QV-Admin)
    Angefragte Daten für Supportfälle bitte schicken an info/at/ unter Bezugnahme (link) auf diesen thread, Danke!