Possibe error message starting QV7 since 29.09.2017 switching to new homepage

  • !!Attention!!
    Since switching our Homepage/Shop to new Layout and Hoster
    an error message may happen when starting QV7
    . This is the case if you selected the in QV-Xplorer the entry
    "Download Packages", or "My QV-Shop maps"
    Please open this column only by clicking on the small "+" beside
    "Download Packeges and avoid hitting
    "Download Packages", or "My QV-Shop maps"
    You may without a problem hit "QV-Map Downloads", to download
    free "QV-OSM map" packages.

    In case you did touch the buggy entry, thre are two options:

    A) You may start QV7 anew and immediately try to touch whatever
    other entry in QV-Xplorer, may not be easy, the error happens quickly.
    If you manage to click, the error will happen one more time and will be
    gone after the next start of QV7.
    B) delete the file "qv7.ini" This is usualy located at

    As soon as the next update is available (>=QV7.3.0.31), this
    problem will be gone!

    Sorry for this trouble!

    Gruß Jockel (QV-Admin)
    Angefragte Daten für Supportfälle bitte schicken an info/at/quovadis-gps.com unter Bezugnahme (link) auf diesen thread, Danke!